Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund (CRWRF)
The Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund serves as a bridge for our church members and churches to provide resources that address material needs of people suffering the effects of poverty through Christian motivated partners. CRWRF facilitates immediate aid to emergency and disaster situations providing food, water, clothing, shelter, and medical care after civil wars or natural disasters.
Come Over and Help (COAH)
An organization committed to spreading the Gospel across the vast population of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. People living in these areas have been deprived of this Good News for generations. COAH provides aid to Churches and Christians living in these areas.
City of Refuge
City of Refuge sponsorship program puts faith into action by helping foreign citizens displaced from their homes for a variety of reasons. To goal of the City of Refuge is provide financial assistance and help facilitate refugees as they build a new home in Canada.
Free Reformed Church of South Africa (FRCSA)
The FRCSA conduct extensive missionary work in South Africa, which is done primarily by three churches: the FRC Cape Town, FRC Mamelodi and FRC Pretoria-Maranata. This work is coordinated by the Mission Deputies South Africa. General Synod Chatham deemed these churches worthy of financial assistance to aid them in their missionary work.
The Free Reformed Churches of South Africa is a bond of churches with whom Canadian Reformed Churches have a sister church relation. These churches are Afrikaans-speaking. The first church was established in Pretoria on October 8, 1950. Since then many more churches have been established and the FRCSA operate their own theological college.
The mission work done by the Free Reformed Churches of South Africa is driven to “establish a network of living churches across the Republic that will instill the unity of the Kingdom of God amongst a multi-cultural and multi-lingual nation”. This goal is primarily achieved through the work of planting churches.
The church here in Coaldale is the liaison between FRCSA and the Canadian Reformed Churches. For additional information click here.
Indonesian Reformed Theological Seminary (Timor)
A reformed seminary that aims to prepare students to serve God and His church through the teaching of His Word. Their hope is that through this seminary the students can be trained to be servants of God and live in accordance with the Scriptures as it is summarized in the Reformed creeds.
Manna, Canadian Reformed Society for World Relief
Manna’s main objective is the long-term support and maintenance of the Mufu Children’s Home in Kenya. The Mufu home supports children who have been orphaned or half-orphaned because any surviving parent or any other relative could no longer care for them. The Mufu home is located near a small village on the lower slopes of Mount Kenya, approximately 25 km north of Embu and around a 3 hour drive from Nairobi.
Manna, Canadian Reformed Society for World Relief, was formed in 1983 in response to a request from Red Een Kind, the Netherlands, to sponsor the Mufu Children’s Home. Besides its main objective, Manna also provides relief in cases of emergencies that arise through disasters such as floods, earthquakes, famine and the like.
Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF)
Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) is an evangelical Christian missionary organization which serves in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia on behalf of Reformed and Presbyterian Family of Churches and believers worldwide. Thier work is bearing fruit for the Kingdom of Christ among the twenty-two nations of the Arab League and other Muslim areas in Africa and Asia. MERF strengthens national churches with ministries of evangelism, church extension, biblical training, and diaconal aid.
Mission Aid in Brazil
Mission Aid Brazil aims to provide Christian relief and development aid to needy people in Brazil by coordinating with the Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church, the local Brazilian Reformed Churches and the Canadian Reformed missionaries in Brazil.
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)
MAF is a worldwide team of specialists, meeting the aviation and communications needs of overseas missions and relief and development organizations serving those living in the poorest and most remote parts of the world. It was formed in 1945 under the name Christian Airmen’s Missionary Fellowship (CAMF).
Vision: “That all people have access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the resources to meet their needs.”
Mission: “We exist to demonstrate God’s love through aviation, communication, and logistics to meet spiritual and physical needs.”
Missionary staff families perform specialized tasks that aid the ministries of local churches and relief and development agencies through aviation and radio/internet based communications. Perhaps best known for aviation, MAF pilots and mechanics operate a large fleet that hauls food, seed, and livestock, transport sick and injured people, and deliver other supplies.
Papua, New Guinea (PNG)
We support mission work that is overseen by the Bethel Canadian Reformed Church in Toronto. Bethel is engaged in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in Papua, New Guinea along with the Free Reformed Churches of Australia and the Reformed Churches of New Zealand. PNG
Word and Deed
Word and Deed strive to address the spiritual and physical needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles. They partner with other Christian organizations on a wide variety of project including child sponsorship, Christian Education, orphan care, disaster relief and vocational training. Word and Deed also emphasize self-sufficiently under Christ, and works to enable people to provide for themselves by relying on personal skills and assets within the context of their community and country.
Children of Light
Children of light is just one of many projects supported through Word and Deed. In this project, underprivileged children from Indonesia are given access to Christian education.