Anchor Home

The Anchor Association serve adults with developmental disability physical, social emotional and mental impairment.  They are currently assisting 34 residents who reside in 5 group homes across southern Ontario.

Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary

The first role of The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary, operated by the Canadian Reformed Churches, is training of ministers of God’s Word. Faculty and students are committed to the authority of Holy Scripture and seek to interpret the Scriptures in accordance with the Reformed confessions. Academic excellence and practical relevance for the ministry are of paramount importance.

Men who want to attend the CRTS should know that there is finical support available the Committee to Aid Needy Students as well as a Pastoral Training Fund.   The Theological Seminary library also receives finical assistance through the fundraising efforts of the Women’s Saving Action.

Eglise Reformee du Quebec (ERQ)

The ERQ (Reformed Church of Quebec) is a collection of reformed churches in Quebec that focuses on proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and planting new churches in the area of Quebec.

Mission Smithers

Mission Smithers is a ministry among the First Nations people of Prince George and north-western BC under the supervision of the Canadian Reformed Church of Smithers BC.

Urban Mission

Urban Mission is engaged in the work of mission among the Chinese people in the Greater Vancouver area. Reverend Frank Dong is leading a Chinese Christian Fellowship every Sunday and an ESL class has also been started.

Streetlight Ministries

Streetlight is both a Christian ministry and a church, bringing glory to God through the gospel in downtown Hamilton.  Streetlight exists to share God’s word with adults and youth in the Beasley neighbourhood, to connect them with other Christians and the worshipping community, to help them grow in their faith, and to encourage them to serve others in order that God is praised.

Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA Canada)

The mission of ARPA Canada is to educate, equip, and encourage Reformed Christians to political action and to bring a biblical perspective to our civil authorities.

Voice of the Church

Voice of the Church presents weekly 15 minute radio broadcasts on God’s Word so that listeners may become more familiar with the scriptures and with God’s plan of salvation. Audio copies of the radio broadcasts may also be downloaded from

Covenant, Canadian Reformed Teachers College

Prepares men and women for careers in teaching and professional development in faithful submission to the Word of God as summarized in our confessions.