Worship through Song
One of the ways we express our joy is through congregational singing.
We have 150 psalms and 85 Hymns in our Book of Praise.
The minister leads in prayer, addressing the needs of the congregation and asks for a blessing over the worship service.
Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism is administered to infants of believing parents shortly after birth and adults who have converted to Christianity.
Lord’s Supper
Lord’s Supper is limited to members of the congregation who have publicly professed their faith and guests who have been admitted by the consistory.
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are read every Sunday to show us our sins and misery, our need for a Saviour and the life of thankfulness we are called to lead.
Proclamation of the Word
The central part of the worship service is the proclamation of the word, also known as the sermon. The morning sermon is based on a specific Bible passage, while the afternoon is a teaching sermon that generally follows the Heidelberg Catechism. The theme, supporting Bible texts and order of worship are provided to you in a handout before you enter the service.
Thank Offerings
The worship service also includes a collection for the needy of the congregation or a designated charity. No money from these collections goes to administration: 100% go to allotted causes. (Click here for some examples of the organizations we support)