There are many ways you can be active within our church community. Consider participating in regular events and/or serve on the many committees that help facilitate the operations of the church.
Seniors Coffee Fellowship
Refreshments, games and social time are provided for seniors from the Coaldale and Taber Canadian Reformed Church. Takes place the first Wednesday of every month at 10:30 am in the church foyer.
Seniors Dinner
A warm dinner is served at the Seniors Coffee Fellowship in December and March.
Annual Church Picnic
The church comes together for a potluck BBQ that takes place in the fall at various locations in Coaldale.
Annual Christmas Skate
This leisure event takes place in December at the local indoor arena. Snacks and refreshments are provided.
Annual Dine & Dash
This event offers appetizers, entrees and desserts, all in different locations! This is a great way to engage with the church community!
Annual Swim Night
This leisure event takes place in the spring at the Taber indoor pool.
Thanksgiving Praise and Fellowship Night
Everyone is invited to participated with these evenings to praise God with the singing of new and old Hymns accompanied by music. Refreshments and socializing conclude the evening.
Host Family
Consider signing up to be a church Host Family. Host families seek out visitors, provide direction, and offer hospitality to those who are in need of a place to go.
Coffee Fellowship
Coffee is served after the first service on the first Sunday of the month. Families are scheduled for cleanup duties.
Secret Sisters
Targeting women of the congregation, this fun activity has been developed as a means to encourage through prayer, notes, cards, baking and more.
Evangelism Committee
Meeting six times a year, this committee manages various groups and coordinates activates that aim to touch people’s lives spiritually both outside and inside the church. These include managing the outreach Cross Cultural Bible Study (CCBS) which meets every other Friday evening. Hosting fellowship meetings at the Coaldale Sunny South Lodge, a seniors care facility, as well as the Chinook Regional Hospital in Lethbridge. Organizing a Vacation Bible School, a bible program meant to engage children. Coordinating Christmas hampers to donate to the Coaldale Food Bank. The committee also provides opportunities for personal and congregational renewal as well as spiritual development through guest speakers and workshops.
Committee for the Needy Free Reformed Churches of South Africa (FRCSA)
Facilitates communication to all the Canadian Reformed churches on behalf of the FRCSA. Gathers donations from the Canadian Reformed Churches as needed and forwards funds annually. Made up of a chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer, this committee meets six times a year.
Committee of Administration
Manages the general operations of the church.
Parent/Fellowship Committee
Organizes activities to foster relationships within the church community. Coordinates the Youth bible study group by securing leaders and resource materials.
Organist Committee
Oversees all musical accompaniment.
Ladies Aid
A group of women who fundraise for the church and local community. Meetings take place every other month.
Helping Hands Committee
Managed through the deacons, this committee coordinates support to those in the congregation who are in need of practical help such as meals, childcare, yard maintenance, etc.
More resources for these committees can be found by logging into Church Social.