Sunny South Lodge
The Sunny South Lodge in Coaldale hosts local churches for fellowship with their residents on Sunday evenings starting at 6:30 pm. Our church is on their schedule 6-7 times in a year. All Bible Study groups participate by taking a turn leading an evening which includes Bible reading, prayer, a message and singing
Chinook Regional Hospital
The Evangelism Committee organizes fellowship meetings at the Chinook Regional Hospital in Lethbridge six times per year. Every other month, on the first Tuesday of the month from 10:00 – 10:30 am. They gather with patients of floor 5A (the Geriatrics and Rehabilitation Ward) for Bible reading, prayer, a message and singing.
Vacation Bible School
Helping to spread the gospel within the community, Vacation Bible School targets children ages 5-12, and provides a great opportunity to engage with their parents. This program, put on during the Christmas break and summer holidays, is a great way for children to learn about the word of God though bible lessons and fun filled activities. Event leader, group leaders, and kitchen help are just some of the ways one can participate.
Meals on Wheels
This service, provided by the community of Coaldale, requires volunteers to drop off a hot meal to individuals during times when meal preparation is unmanageable. This volunteer initiative is coordinated through Ladies Aid and takes place 2 months a year.
Rehoboth Christian Ministries
Serving people with disabilities, Rehoboth helps the disable flourish in life by providing some 50 group homes across Alberta, with a location right here in Coaldale!
Coaldale Food Bank
The Coaldale Food Bank is committed to recognizing the human dignity of those in need and providing food and access to services and resources generated from within the community. coaldale.foodbank
Streets Alive Mission
Streets Alive Mission in Lethbridge, is dedicated to bringing hope to those who have none, by building relationships with the disenfranchised, through a variety of volunteer driven programs. Street Alive helps to provide for the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of the poor; to empower them to change their lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lethbridge Pregnancy Care Centre
Offering support for women and men facing unplanned pregnancies and counselling for pregnancy related losses.
Elim Village (British Columbia)
As Canada’s premier seniors’ living community, their mission is to provide seniors, living in a Christian community, an enriched quality of life. They value living out their faith, acting with integrity, while providing superior service.
Coaldale Christian School
Educating students from K-12, Coaldale Christian School operates as an independent school. Its society is made up of parents who are primarily of the Reformed faith. CCS follows the Alberta Education curriculum and is able to educate, and also integrate students of all abilities.